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Rollator safety in autumn & winter

19.11.2024, um 12:00 Uhr

In autumn and winter, the risk of falling increases significantly due to ice and snow on roads and sidewalks. We give you tips on how to get through the cold season more safely and arrive home safely.

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Become an encourager

06.03.2024, um 10:00 Uhr

Are you an enthusiastic user of a Saljol product because your aid helps you to cope better with everyday life? Or have you found a good way to deal with your limitations? Become an encourager, because you can inspire and motivate others with your story.

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Field report: Carbon Rollator

20.08.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

In this interview you will learn how Mr. Seebrecht uses the Carbon Rollator in everyday life and why even the higher price was worth every cent to him. In addition, he tells you about how it feels to suddenly buy a rollator and what effects it had on his everyday life with regard to his fellow men.

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How to overcome the fear of using your walker in public

04.08.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

Using a walker for the first time is a huge inhibition for many users. Our encouragers also agree: the first time you use a walker on the road is a very big effort. We give you tips on how to overcome your fear of using a walker in public.

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Multiple Sclerosis - How can a rollator support you?

27.07.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

No matter what age, people with multiple sclerosis also have the desire for freedom and self-determination. However, multiple sclerosis often causes walking disorders, which makes it difficult to achieve this. We would like to show you how the fulfilment of the desire for freedom and self-determination can come a step closer for you

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Simply fold the rollator

15.05.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

There is a large selection of walkers on the market for assistive devices. Some of them can be folded for easier transport. We will show you how to fold the Carbon rollator and give you some examples where a longitudinally foldable rollator has many advantages.

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What is an aid worth to you?

27.04.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

What is a rollator worth to me? It is not possible for everyone to spend several hundred euros on an aid from one day to the next. Whether a product is worth its price depends on many factors and not least on the user's own wishes and needs.

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Indoor rollator as toilet support frame

23.04.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

The Saljol Indoor Rollator is a real all-rounder for an independent everyday life. It not only supports you in the household, but also offers optimal support in the bathroom. Due to its special design, the indoor rollator is stable and tilt resistant.

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Staying at home as a risk group

17.04.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

Marietta, belongs to the risk group due to a neuro-muscular disease and a lung operation. In a telephone interview, she told us how the indoor rollator and Carbon Rollator helped her to stay fit and mobile at home during the lockdown.

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The indoor rollator in the household

09.04.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

With the indoor rollator we offer you a real all-rounder. It can support you not only in the bathroom or as a toilet support frame. With the Saljol Indoor Rollator also the completion of the daily tasks in the household becomes easier and safer.

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Avoid falls at home

28.03.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

Your home is a place where you want to feel safe and secure. Nevertheless: The danger of falling or slipping is not to be sneezed at. But with just a few simple steps you can do a lot to eliminate tripping hazards. We would like to show you which things you should pay attention to in order to avoid falls in your home.

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Corona - Protection at home

23.03.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

We show you solutions and give you tips on how you can take over some things in everyday life in a self-determined way and thus keep direct contact with others as little as possible.

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Field report shower stool: Interview with Marietta

15.01.2020, um 10:00 Uhr

In the past, Marietta always had to laboriously wash her hair in the bathtub. Marietta has been testing the shower stool for several weeks now. In this interview she tells how she is enjoying showering again, despite limitations.

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7 tips for developing a motion routine with rollator

21.11.2019, um 10:00 Uhr

Even if the performance of the body decreases with increasing age: You are not at the mercy of many changes. With regular exercise you can actively promote your own health. Build up a routine and regain your endurance!

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8 reasons for a rollator

18.11.2019, um 10:00 Uhr

Use the rollator to keep moving. For more health and fitness. For more zest for life. For more time together with others. It's worth it!

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Experience report: Interview with MS patient Claudius

08.08.2019, um 10:00 Uhr

Claudius has had MS for around 30 years. The first few years were in relapses, and for around 15 years the disease has been in the second phase, known as secondary progressive. In this interview, he explains how well his indoor rollator supports him in everyday life.

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The tyres of the Rollator

14.07.2019, um 10:00 Uhr

Unexpected but important: The tyres of the Carbon Rollator. As with the car, they set the course for extraordinary comfort and a safe driving experience. They make the rollator versatile and suitable for everyday use.

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Rollator: Large or small?

03.07.2019, um 10:00 Uhr

The Carbon Rollator from Saljol: As a premium rollator, it inspires customers above all with its sophisticated features and its pleasant curved design. It has recently been supplemented by its "little sister": the Carbon Rollator 54.

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Motivator Peter in an interview

21.06.2019, um 10:00 Uhr

Peter and Edith from Germering near Munich were allowed to test the Carbon Rollator - the test turned into a little story about fun in life.

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Sitting correctly in a wheelchair

20.02.2019, um 10:00 Uhr

In an interview with the wheelchair expert Bengt Engström, you will learn what makes an ergonomic seat of a wheelchair and how to sit correctly - even for a long time - in a wheelchair.

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