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8 reasons for the purchase of a rollator

  Carbon Rollator - motivator - walk at ammersee

Do you have gang trouble? Do you gradually restrict your mobility within your own four walls and at home? Do you renounce things and give up beloved activities? Do you reduce your radius of action more and more and participate less and less in social life? Do you have increasing problems to cope with your everyday life? Do not isolate yourself, otherwise you will lose quality of life.

If you rest, you rust! Regular exercise is the best shield for your health. With the rollator you can move actively again. It supports you in case of balance problems, dizziness and fear of falling. You always walk safely and stably. Even if you are uncertain when walking or standing: Use your walker to keep moving. Every new path begins with a first step. And every step counts. There are many, and very good, reasons for using a rollator.

1. you give your health a (second) chance

Even if you only walk a few meters, every step counts! Your body thanks you immediately: regular exercise supports your cardiovascular system and keeps your blood pressure stable. You can prevent dementia. You maintain your bone structure, muscles and joints. You strengthen your immune system. Regular exercise with a rollator can prevent or delay many of the diseases that are more common in old age. As soon as you start to move regularly (again), you lay the foundation for new strength and energy. And the more you get into shape, the more stable your personal protective shield against the risk of illness becomes. The more active you are in everyday life, the better your state of health will be. Announce the fight to the inner pig dog. Get your circulation going! Use your walker for this. Even a short walk around the block is enough for positive effects and brings fresh air into your lungs. This is a pleasure for your body!

  Bequema - Sleep

2. you sleep better

Rain brings blessings. Also for your sleep. Walking for about 30 minutes a day can help you to sleep better. Exercise is considered a real tireder. Plenty of natural light and fresh air have an effect on the sleep hormone melatonin. Without daylight the melatonin level remains elevated. You feel tired all the time. Bring your sleep-wake rhythm into balance: daylight and exercise inhibit the release of melatonin. Even on overcast winter days, daylight provides ten times the amount of light as artificial light. Cross your heart: What's wrong with a refreshing morning walk to wake up?

  Carbon Rollator - Health

3. balm for your soul

Even our ancestors brought your stress hormones into balance by releasing their tension through attack or flight. Even today, regular exercise still leads to the same result. Just a few steps in the fresh air and your body begins to release serotonin. You become more awake, calmer and more balanced. Go outside, enjoy nature and the warming sun on your skin!

  Carbon Rollator - balm for the soul

  Carbon Rollator - love

4. you avoid dangerous falls

When you walk with your rollator, you simultaneously train your coordination, mobility and balance. A good balance prevents falls in everyday life. The walker can also help you in this respect. If you lose your balance, you can lean directly on it. If you suffer from dizziness, rest briefly on the seat. The walker-rollator contributes to a stable gait without the potential for falls. It gives you back the security you have been lacking until now. Your fear of falling is reduced. This is actually very common: About 25 to 50 percent of all older people suffer from fear of falling, regardless of whether they have ever fallen before or not. Many medical supply stores now offer Anti-Fall-Days in cooperation with SALJOL. There you will find many tips on how to avoid falls in everyday life. Here you can find all upcoming dates.

  Carbon Rollator - independence

  Carbon Rollator - go downhill

5. with your rollator you remain mobile, autonomous and independent

Nowadays it is taken for granted that every person can move freely. Physically active people have a 25% reduced risk of losing their independence in everyday life. Use the rollator and maintain your mobility and independence. It gives you back a piece of freedom. Live according to your own schedule. Decide for yourself when it's time for a walk in the park. Run your own errands. Enjoy everyday life exactly the way you want it to be. Live a self-determined life. No excuses: There are suitable accessories for individual ideas and dirty weather.

  Carbon Rollator - active life

6. take an active part in life.

For many, limited mobility also means being trapped in their own four walls. If you remain active and mobile in old age, it is easier for you to stay in contact with others. With the rollator you can leave your home on your own. Meet friends for a walk, go out with friends. Keep your everyday life varied. Because studies show: loneliness is about as damaging as smoking or obesity. Fun in life is the motto!

  Rollz Flex - sit on the rollator

7. you can take a break at any time - and always have a seat

You always have your own seat with you. You feel dizzy or need a break from walking? Time for a pit stop on your walker! A crowded waiting room, a bus stop without seats, a spontaneous rainbow in the sky or a really beautiful sunset: Activate the parking brake (!) and take a seat on your personal seat. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Arrange your trip at your own pace. Take enough breaks to avoid overexerting yourself.

  Rollz Flex - Im Café

8. you can transport your errands.

Many walkers offer pockets with storage space. Even if you are not sure how to walk, you can now easily do your shopping. No matter whether it is a bulk purchase or just a few small things: Rollator bags come in many different sizes and designs. You no longer need to carry bags and pouches. You no longer lose your balance when you wear them. They are easy on your joints because they load the additional weight of your purchases into the rollator. So you can use all your strength for walking and pushing. 

  Rollz Flex - in supermarket

  Carbon Rollator - picnic

The best way to health is on foot

You see: If you are physically active, you can only win. Don't let it get you down, even if the "Diagnose Rollator" at first seems like a small damper. It stands for the chance to continue participating in life. Do not rust! Use the walker to keep moving. For more health and fitness. For more fun in life. For more time together with others. It's worth it!   


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Technical data Rollz Motion Performance

Here you will find all relevant technical data of the Rollator wheelchair Rollz Motion Performance. You can download the operating instructions free of charge.

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