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The Carbon Rollator from Saljol: As a premium rollator, it inspires customers above all with its sophisticated features and its pleasant curved design. It has recently been supplemented by its "little sister": the Carbon Rollator 54. 

The most important in brief

  • The small rollator CR54 is suitable for people up to 1.65 m tall
  • The large Carbon Rollator CR62 has a maximum grip height of 103 cm. This is the highest grip height on the market
  • The small version has the smallest handle height on the market: 76 cm
  • The small rollator is less bulky and therefore easier to lift and transport

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem großen und dem kleinen Carbon Rollator?

Carbon Rollator Klein Groß

Carbon rollators must fit. People differ not only in their numerous ideas and needs. They also differ in their physique and above all in their height. Who can imagine that a 1.85 m tall gentleman, perhaps even a former football star, has the same requirements as a petite lady of 1.55 m height?

That is why Saljol now has two walkers: For taller and shorter people. Similar to the Olympics or football: women's and men's teams.

The large carbon rollator, CR 62, has a seat height of 62.5 cm. Hence "CR 62" - logical, isn't it? The CR 54 therefore has a seat height of only 54.5 cm. We recommend the small carbon rollator for people up to 1.60 m tall. Users taller than 1.60 m should use the large Carbon Rollator.

Carbon Rollator Vergleich

Carbon Rollator Handgriffe

Carbon rollators with the smallest and largest grip height on the market

In addition to the different seat height, there is a decisive advantage with both carbon rollators: the grip height. The handle of the small carbon rollator is at least 76 cm high. The big brother comes with a handle height of 103 cm. No other rollator on the market can cover this range of grip heights.

Easy lifting, easy transport

A smaller rollator also means: it is lighter and less bulky. This makes it even easier to lift or transport the small rollator. How often do users lift their walker onto a bus or train while on the move? Or put it in the boot on weekend trips? Rollators support the user in these situations: doing everyday things and keeping the fun alive. The smaller dimensions make it much easier for the user to get on and off. The small carbon rollator can be loaded easily and without pain. It is significantly less bulky and easy to grasp and lift, even for people with small body dimensions.

Get off the bus with the walker: 

Youtube Vorschau Zo73eJ8kWG0

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More Items:

Technical Data Carbon Rollator

Here you will find all relevant technical data of the Carbon Rollator. You can download the operating instructions free of charge.

The tyres of the Rollator

Unexpected but important: The tyres of the Carbon Rollator. As with the car, they set the course for extraordinary comfort and a safe driving experience. They make the rollator versatile and suitable for everyday use.

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