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Wheelchair cushions and pads

Comfortable, soft and stylish.

Further information on wheelchair cushions

Wheelchair upholstery and cushions

Three minutes to re-upholster! Turn your wheelchair into a real wheelchair with upholstery and cushions for the wheelchair. Comfortable, chic and hygienic: Extra wheelchair cushions and pads from Saljol cover sharp edges and cold metal.

In addition to the cushions for wheelchairs, Saljol also offers practical accessories for your wheelchair. Incontinence pad, triple protection or seat pad.

Wheelchair cushion explained in 1 minute!


Youtube Vorschau KuyTaSZesbg


In nur 5 Schritten die passenden Polster finden!

Jetzt Konfigurator starten
Extra Konfigurator

Welche Farbe / Material gefällt Ihnen am besten?

Extra Beige

Extra Grau

Extra Grün

Wie breit ist die Sitzfläche Ihres Rollstuhls?

Extra S

Sitzbreite: 39 - 42cm

Extra M

Sitzbreite: 42 - 46cm

Extra L

Sitzbreite: 46 - 50cm

Wählen Sie die gewünschten Polster aus:

Rollstuhl mit Rückenpolster

Bequemes und weiches Rückenpolster

zzgl. 99,00€

Rollstuhl mit Sitzpolster

Weiches Sitzpolster mit Windschutz

zzgl. 79,00€

Rollstuhl mit Sitz- und Rückenpolster

10% günstiger ggü. der Einzelprodukte

zzgl. 159,00€

Hinweis: Die Polster für die Armlehnen und Beinschoner können Sie im nächsten Schritt auswählen.

Möchten Sie Armpolster?

Rollstuhl ohne Armpolster

zzgl. 0,00€

Rollstuhl mit Armpolster

zzgl. 79,00€

Welches Rollstuhlmodell haben Sie?

Bitte wählen Sie den Hersteller und das Modell Ihres Rollstuhles aus.

Kennen Sie Ihr Modell nicht oder ist Ihr Rollstuhl nicht aufgelistet, geben Sie bitte Länge und Breite der Armlehne an.

Hersteller wählen:

Rollstuhl Hersteller

Möchten Sie Beinschoner?

Rollstuhl ohne Beinschoner

zzgl. 0,00€

Rollstuhl mit Beinschoner

zzgl. 39,00€

Wählen Sie das passende Zubehör

Extra Inkoauflage


Unauffällig und saugstark

zzgl. 79,00€

Sobald Sie das gewünschte Zubehör ausgewählt haben, klicken Sie bitte auf "Produkte zusammenstellen".

Wir stellen dann für Sie die passenden Produkte zusammen und legen sie in den Warenkorb.

Table of Contents Wheelchair Cushions and Upholstery


Wheelchair cushions and cushions

Upholstery and cushions for the wheelchair offer many advantages and enhance every standard wheelchair noticeably. Even if you are only dependent on a wheelchair for a few weeks or months, you should not have to do without comfort and convenience.

Pillows and cushions

  • make your wheelchair more comfortable
  • conceal sharp edges and cold metal with soft, warm cushions
  • increase seating comfort
  • embellish every dreary cash wheelchair
  • are suitable for all standard wheelchairs
  • are freely and individually configurable
  • are available in three colours

We would also be happy to advise you personally on the right upholstery and cushions. Just give us a call: 0800 505 0269

The first wheelchair: setback or a new chance?

Being dependent on a wheelchair for the first time is not easy for anyone. It feels like a restriction and a dead end. A grey, uncomfortable and partly used standard wheelchair doesn't make the transition any better.

Wheelchair cushions help

Since Saljol knows the problems of people in need of help and works with them, we have addressed the problem and developed the Extra wheelchair cushions and pads. The cushions make your standard wheelchair stand out from the crowd, turn it into your own personal and individual wheelchair that not only looks good, but is also comfortable.

Better quality of life

Our encouragers (that's what we call customers who share their experience with us) tell us about the enormous quality of life they have regained thanks to the wheelchair upholstery. How so? Quite simply: they could participate in life again and enjoy life.

 Extra wheelchair cushion beige - read

Picture gallery wheelchair cushions

Field report by Mutmacherin Marietta

Listen to the testimonial from our encourager Marietta and see how the wheelchair cushions have encouraged Marietta to return to life outside your home.

Bengt Engström: Expert for correct sitting in a wheelchair

The Swede Bengt Engström has been working extensively on ergonomics and correct sitting in a wheelchair for over 30 years. Mr. Engström has taken a close look at our wheelchair upholstery and has come to a very positive conclusion. Read the complete interview with Bengt Engström here.

Seat cushion for the wheelchair: sit softly and don't pull on your buttocks

Since wheelchair users often have to sit for several hours, it is important that the buttocks are subjected to as little strain as possible. Unfortunately, the standard wheelchairs offer only little seating comfort, the seat is usually only a straight "board" without large padding.

Sit pain-free

The extra seat cushion for your wheelchair lets you sit softly and comfortably for several hours. In addition to the soft seat, the wings on the sides offer secure protection against cold air.

Universal seat cushion

The seat cushion fits almost every standard wheelchair. If the wheelchair is already "sitting through", our optional stable seat plate helps. The seat plate increases the seat stability and you sit more upright and safer in the wheelchair again.

 Extra beige wheelchair cushion - wheelchair seat cushion

Extra wheelchair cushion gray - wheelchair back cushion

Backrest upholstery: Comfortable backrest in a wheelchair

In addition to a comfortable seat cushion, a soft and well thought-out back cushion should not be missing. Again and again we have observed customers who have simply stuffed blankets and normal cushions behind their backs in order to obtain a soft and warm backrest.

The problem is that the temporary upholstery is uneven and puts more strain on the back than it helps.

Special back cushions are the solution

As a solution we have developed a universal back cushion. The back cushion not only fits every wheelchair, it is also soft and evenly padded.Entlastung der Wirbelsäule

The back cushion relieves the strain on the spine and does not unevenly load it. The thick cushions additionally warm and help to prevent pain and tension in the neck and shoulder area.

Armrest cushions and footrest cushions for the wheelchair

In addition to the buttocks and back, the arms have the most contact with the wheelchair. The armrests of a standard wheelchair are usually made of hard plastic, with which the forearms quickly rub up and hurt.

Individual armrest cushions: avoid pressure points

The solution is armrest cushions for wheelchairs. The armrest cushions are soft and help to avoid pressure points on the arms.

Footrest pad for healthy legs

Not only the arms like to rub it up, the sharp edges on the footrests also cause abrasions and sore spots on the legs. The special footrest pads prevent this problem by covering and padding all sharp metal edges.

 Extra beige wheelchair cushion

Tripping in a wheelchair

Many wheelchair users trifle in their wheelchairs. In order to avoid injuries to the hard and sharp-edged frame, the metal poles are covered with foam or other materials.

The gaiters are a triple protection for wheelchairs and offer a chic and durable solution. The perfect fit, yet universally applicable gaiter is simply put over the sharp frame and fixed with 2 Velcro fasteners. Simple but effective.

Sitting correctly in a wheelchair

20.02.2019, um 10:00 Uhr

In an interview with the wheelchair expert Bengt Engström, you will learn what makes an ergonomic seat of a wheelchair and how to sit correctly - even for a long time - in a wheelchair.

Read now
