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Outdoor rollator

Rollators off paved roads

Rollator with and without pneumatic tyres

Real outdoor or all-terrain rollators are characterized by their robustness and pneumatic tyres. The softer tyres absorb shocks and allow the rollator to travel smoothly even on dirt roads and through meadows.

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EUR 489,00
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EUR 689,00
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Table of contents

Why an outdoor rollator at all?

Outdoor rollators offer a stable ride on uneven trails.

No matter if you,

  • Are freedom-loving and enjoy excursions and travel.
  • love walks in nature.
  • need a safe companion for window shopping in the old town.
  • suffer from muscle weakness and have little strength left to carry a heavy walker.
  • can only walk short distances and have to take breaks every now and then, or have to complete the rest of the way in a wheelchair.
  • when walking on a standard rollator, suffer from pain or sore muscles in the arms or neck.

Outdoor rollator pay in installments

High-quality outdoor rollators, such as the Rollz Motion Performance, must be robust and durable. The precise workmanship of the sturdy materials show in the high price. To keep the financial burden as low as possible, we offer the convenient and flexible purchase on installments. Learn more about it at Pay outdoor rollators on installments.

Features of outdoor rollators

Rollz Motion Performance Luftbereifung

Pneumatic tyres and shock-absorbing handles

A rollator must be able to negotiate many different surfaces. Whether you are walking through the forest or window shopping in the old town.

With an outdoor rollator you are prepared for any terrain. The pneumatic tyres and / or the shock-absorbing handles cushion any unevenness when driving over. The resulting shocks are not directly transferred to the arms and shoulders. This makes walking on the rollator comfortable and safe on any surface.


Especially in the twilight in autumn and winter, pedestrians are often poorly seen or even overlooked.

Therefore, many reflectors are attached to the outdoor rollators. These provide more safety and visibility in road traffic. The Saljol Carbon rollator has additional reflectors on the spokes. Since the wheels move when walking, the reflectors are hard to miss in the dark.

Carbon Rollator bei Nacht

Rollz Motion Performance Griffe


Riding over uneven paths and roads often jolts the arms and shoulders when walking on the rollator. This quickly leads to sore muscles and pain.

Due to the special handles of the outdoor rollators, shocks are absorbed and not directly transferred. In addition, they are non-slip and ergonomically shaped. This also makes driving over cobblestones or forest paths more comfortable and safer.

Tipping aid

In order to be able to drive over obstacles, curbs or steps easily and safely, the outdoor rollators have a tipping aid.

By gently stepping on the tipping aid, the rollator tilts slightly backwards. The front wheels are lifted. The rollator can now be pushed onto the obstacle with little muscle power. This makes window-shopping through the city fun again and does not turn into a feat of strength.

Carbon Rollator Ankipphilfe

Carbon Rollator Handbremse


The brakes on outdoor rollators are suitable for any weather. Whether it is wet from the rain or the sun is shining. Especially outdoors, the brakes must always be relied upon.

The hand brakes, which are easy to reach, are activated when the wheelchair is pulled lightly. This means that the brakes can be applied quickly and safely. To take a break on the rollator, please always remember to activate the parking brake. To do this, simply press the handbrakes down.

Which outdoor rollator suits you?

Can you only walk short distances? Or do you no longer dare to take trips and travel?

Outdoor rollators can give you back this freedom. But which outdoor rollator is right for you? Here we show you the differences between the Rollz Motion Performance and the Saljol Carbon rollator.

Rollz Motion Performance - Rollator wheelchair with pneumatic tires.

The Rollz Motion Performance is a fully equipped rollator, but it can do much more:

With a few simple steps, you can convert this outdoor rollator into a wheelchair. The wheelchair package you have always and everywhere with you.

Rollz Motion Performance Umwandlung

How to build the Rollz Motion Performance into a wheelchair!

Youtube Vorschau -f8_kHrMLcw

Conversion to a wheelchair is particularly helpful if you can only walk short distances due to an illness or muscle weakness, are exhausted afterwards and can no longer continue walking. With the Rollz Motion Performance, you can dare to walk longer distances again. Because when you can no longer walk, you simply convert the rollator into a wheelchair and you can be pushed.

For extra comfort, the Rollz Motion Performance has extra padded armrests and a wedge-shaped cushion. The wedge-shaped seat cushion of the rollator wheelchair prevents you from sliding forward while being pushed over uneven surfaces.

This gives you the confidence to go on excursions and trips again, as you can comfortably and safely participate while seated when needed.

Saljol Carbon Rollator

It's ultra-light weight makes it easy to transport, even with muscle weakness. The carbon rollator weighs only 5.6 kg and is folded 22 cm narrow. So you can always find a place for your walker in the car. And you don't have to do without luggage for the journey either.

For climbing stairs, the rollator can be folded. So you can hold on to the banister with one hand and carry the rollator upstairs with the other. When shopping in the old town, you will always come across stairs and have to climb them. Due to the low weight of the Saljol Carbon Rollator this is no problem.

The carbon rollator is available with a seat height of 62 cm and 54 cm. The right size tells you your height. The CR62 is for a height of 1.65 m - 2.00 m. The slightly smaller CR54 is for a height of 1.50 m - 1.65 m.

Comparison of outdoor rollators - Saljol Carbon Rollator and Rollz Motion Performance

  Saljol Carbon Rollator
(CR62 & CR54)
Rollz Motion Performance
Rollator X X
Foldable into wheelchair - X
Reflectors X X
Weight 5.6 kg 11.4 kg
Max. User weight 150 kg 125 kg
Body height 1.50 m - 2.00 m 1.60 m - 1.90 m
Seat height 62 cm & 54 cm 55 cm
Width folded 22 cm 31 cm
Width open 62 cm 67 cm
Bag X Accessories
Pneumatic tyres - X
Allround Tyres X X
Handles shock absorbing X -
Tipping aid X X

Image gallery outdoor rollators

Target groups outdoor rollators

Carbon Rollator Schleifbremse

You live in a rural area

Small mountains, steep roads or paths that are not tarred. You have these obstacles right in front of your door and can sing a song about it?

Many rollators do not have a sliding brake. In the worst case, these rollators roll down the hill by themselves or drag you behind them. With the grinding brake on the Carbon Rollator from Saljol, you can prevent this from happening. The grinding brake works like a gear shift, located on the rear wheels. You push or pull the small red lever upwards with your foot. This activates or deactivates the grinding brake. The sliding brake sets a rolling resistance and the rollator only moves forward when you push it. In this way, it stops when going downhill and does not roll away from you.

In addition, the walking speed can be adjusted via the grinding brake. Do you walk on the rollator bent forward and too fast? Activate the rolling resistance with your foot. The rollator will no longer run away from you and you can walk more slowly and safely on the rollator. The sliding brake means you don't have to constantly apply the handbrake when going downhill.

In many smaller towns there are still unpaved roads where driving with a rollator can be a challenge.

In many smaller towns there are still unpaved roads where driving with a rollator can be a challenge. Saljol rollators have shock-absorbing handles and Rollz outdoor rollators relatively large pneumatic tyres. This makes walking on unpaved paths more comfortable and safer. Shocks are not directly transferred to the arms and hands. And the pneumatic tires also ensure a jolt-free ride. Thus, when walking on the rollator, sore muscles in the arms and pain in the shoulder-neck area can be prevented.

The Saljol Carbon rollator and the Rollz Motion Performance are therefore a safe support not only for walks in the city. Even in the smallest village you can reclaim the dirty or steep roads with these rollators.

Rollz Motion Performance Outdoor Rollator

You suffer from progressive neurological/muscular diseases.

For people suffering from, for example, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, hereditary motor-sensory neuropathy (HMSN/CMT), a Rollz Motion Performance is well suited. Due to the progression of the diseases, walking on the rollator is possible at the beginning or outside of disease episodes. However, as the diseases progress, there are increasing limitations in movement. As a result, a wheelchair becomes unavoidable at some point.

The Rollz Motion Performance is equipped for this right from the start. If necessary, you can simply convert the rollator into a wheelchair. This way, you can still feel confident walking short distances, since the wheelchair is always with you in case of emergency.

And when travelling, you don 't have to carry two assistive devices. With the Rollz Motion Performance, you have the rollator and the wheelchair combined in one aid.

You suffer from muscle weakness or weakness in old age

Muscle weakness is part of a natural change in the body as we age. The muscles become weaker and degenerate. As a result, the strength for many otherwise accustomed activities is missing. The transport of a rollator, which can weigh up to 10 kg, is then for many not possible at all.

The Saljol Carbon Rollator, on the other hand, is ultra-light and weighs only 5.6 kg. It can be folded with just one hand. So the walker is ready for transport with little effort and easy to load into the trunk. Maneuvering and negotiating curbs is also easier with the carbon rollator. Here you get a rollator on which you can take breaks, which is light for transport and at the same time offers you stability and safety.

Are you still having a hard time deciding on the right rollator?

A rollator should support you in your everyday life, in your leisure time and in your hobbies. Therefore, it is important that you also feel safe and comfortable with an assistive device. To find out which rollator suits you best you can answer the questions of our rollator consultant. Based on your answers, we will recommend a rollator that best fits your life.

Answer the questions in our rollator advisor now!
