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Safely through autumn and winter with a rollator


Carbon Rollator in ice and snow

Winter - as beautiful as it is with its contemplative time, the snow that covers everything in white cotton candy - unfortunately it also brings us many inconveniences. For rollator users in particular, the cold, ice and snow pose many challenges.

Below we provide tips on how you can continue to get around safely with your rollator during the cold season.

Mutmacher - Zitat - Carbon Rollator - Sicherheit im Winter

First of all, ask yourself the most important question: Am I confident in the cold weather and icy roads today?

You don't have to prove anything to yourself. Snow-covered or icy roads are a danger for every pedestrian. Ask yourself before every walk: How do you estimate your strength today? Am I confident enough to go for a walk in icy or slushy conditions? Do I have the strength and coordination to prevent myself from falling?

Ask for support

If you feel unsure about going out into the cold alone, ask for help. Call relatives, friends or neighbors and ask if they would like to accompany you. Simply go for a winter walk together.

If in doubt, stay at home

Do you feel overwhelmed by the adverse winter conditions? That's totally fine. It's good that you can assess yourself so realistically and have the courage to accept this situation. You're not putting your health at risk. Ask relatives or friends if they can help you. Perhaps someone can pick you up by car or take you on errands? Calling a cab is also an option so that you can still do your errands. Many supermarkets now also offer delivery services.


This is the ideal way to prepare for your winter walks:

Maintenance of the rollator

Make sure that your rollator is checked for function and safety. Many medical supply stores offer regular maintenance of your rollator free of charge. Also check that the brakes on your rollator work reliably before you leave the house. Depending on the model, there are rollators that come with all-terrain tires as standard or those that have replaceable tires. They provide better grip on muddy or snowy paths and help to prevent falls.

All terrain tyres

Carbon Rollator by Saljol in winter: right clothing

The right clothing

Your clothing is the be-all and end-all when you go outside in winter. Wear shoes that are suitable for the weather. Winter shoes or boots with a rough profile and a higher shaft provide better grip and thus reduce the risk of slipping and falling.

Choose warm, light-coloured and high-contrast clothing. People wearing dark trousers and jackets "blur" in poor lighting conditions and are difficult for drivers to recognize.

In addition to a cozy jacket or coat, warm gloves are important if your hands get cold quickly. You need your hands to operate the rollator brakes.

And of course a scarf, hat or at least a headband should not be missing.

Adapt your clothing to the destination of your outing.

If you are heading to a Christmas market, for example, bear in mind that your body and extremities will cool down very quickly if you stand or sit outside for any length of time. So put on extra warm clothes. Thermal underwear helps very well here, but warm insoles for your shoes are also worth considering.

If you have an appointment in a café or at someone's house, use the onion technique: put on several layers that you can take off as required if you get too warm.

Warm clothes

You should always have this with you in your rollator bag:

Useful things

It is best to inform a trusted person about your walk in advance if you are going alone. This way you are well prepared if the way back is too strenuous, the weather changes or you need help for other reasons.

Reusable hand warmers are also an ingenious invention that no bag or jacket pocket should be without on cold days. At the very least, they provide a little extra warmth.

Will you be out in the cold for more than just a few minutes? Then it's worth taking a thermos flask of hot tea with you. Your companion will certainly appreciate a little warmth from the inside.

Light your way. Those with poor eyesight will benefit from a lamp to light the way. Attached to the rollator, it not only shows the way, but also ensures better visibility in traffic. If you already have a rollator at home, retrofit it with a lamp.

Autumn and winter are also particularly treacherous due to the rain and snow. Not only do your glasses get wet from the drops, they also cool down more quickly if you don't have any rain or snow protection with you. An umbrella for your rollator prevents the worst from happening. It can be quickly and easily opened and folded up again.

How to behave in road traffic:

Take care when crossing the road

Only cross roads at well-lit areas, traffic lights and crosswalks. Take enough time to watch the traffic and wait for the right moment to cross the road.

Allow extra time when crossing: Not only may they need a little more time to walk in snowy and icy conditions - cars and bicycles also have a longer braking distance when in doubt.

Look for places free of snow

To cross the road, use a place where the kerb has been cleared instead of heaving the rollator over the pile of snow that the winter road clearance service has created. You could quickly lose your balance. As a rule, towns and municipalities ensure that sidewalks and crosswalks are cleared and gritted at regular intervals.

crossing the street


Pay attention to the paths

Only walk on well-cleared paths. Try to avoid icy or slippery sidewalks completely. If possible, change sides of the road or choose a different route.

Remember that you must be able to safely support yourself on your rollator at all times. If the surface is snowy or icy, it cannot guarantee this because the profile of the rollator wheels cannot grip and they slip. This increases your chances of falling.

The safe position in the rollator

Hold the rollator as close to your body as possible so that you can lean on it from above. In this way, you can ensure that the rollator takes you safely to your destination, even in winter. On the street, you often see rollator users pushing their rollator in front of them with their arms stretched out wide. This no longer provides safe support. Particularly in winter, the rollator can quickly slip forwards - and you behind it! Try to avoid this by leaning on the rollator from above. The tread of the tires will also grip better this way.

incorrect posture

correct posture

Pinguin walk

The penguin walk: how to avoid slipping on ice

Penguins know exactly how to move safely on the ice in icy conditions, which is why the so-called "penguin walk" is recommended. Shift your body's center of gravity forward, over the kicking leg. The foot always touches down with the whole sole and points slightly outwards. The steps are short and slow. The slightly forward-leaning posture ensures stability. The practical thing about walking with a rollator: you are automatically bent slightly forward - like a penguin :-)

Safely through the dark

Are you interested in tips and tricks on how to travel safely in the dark and on poorly lit paths? Then take a look at our blog Safe on the road at dusk and in the dark.


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What is a rollator worth to me? It is not possible for everyone to spend several hundred euros on an aid from one day to the next. Whether a product is worth its price depends on many factors and not least on the user's own wishes and needs.

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Traveling safely with a rollator at dusk and in the dark - we have summarized the best tips to help you get through the dark season safely.

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Headline comment:

- Spikes für rollator


Wieso gibt es für rollator keine Winterreifen? Ketten oder Spikes?

Antwort von Nele - 22.02.2024

Liebe Frau Vinzens, Rollatoren sind so konzipiert, dass sie eine zuverlässige Unterstützung beim Gehen bieten, jedoch haben sie keinen Antrieb oder Motor, der spezielle Winterreifen oder Spikes erforderlich machen würde. Zudem ist ihr Gewicht normalerweise zu leicht, um genug Druck aufzubauen, um Spikes oder Ketten in Eis und Schnee zu pressen und so Grip zu erzeugen.

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- Winterreifen am Auto total normal und am Rollator …. unbedingt auch


Der Beitrag hat mir echt Kraft und Mut gemacht .Wurde ich doch noch im letzten Winter im Sanitätshaus belächelt als ich nach extra Reifen für die kalte Jahreszeit fragte .Die Antwort 2020 : da geht „man“ nicht raus ! Peinlich!,,
Dank Ihres ausführlichen Beitrags bin ich in diesem Jahr besser auf den Winter vorbereitet !
Ein Problem habe ich aber noch ., mit dem nahen Gang am Rollator um entsprechend aufrecht zu gehen und nach Möglichkeit nicht wegzurutschen..Mir passiert es dabei nämlich sehr häufig , dass ich plötzlich auf dem Kopfsteinpflaster gegen Kanten pralle und der Rollator nach vorn kippte .☹️Also gehe ich dadurch auch nicht mehr so optimal gerade .Haben Sie einen Tipp
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Margit L.

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- Sehr hilfreich


Vielen Dank für die Informationen. Ich bleibe meist zu Hause. Meine Angst hinzufallen ist zu groß! Aber man kann auch überrascht werden und da werde ich ruhiger sein.

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