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Multiple Sclerosis - How can a rollator support you?

No matter what age, people with multiple sclerosis also have the desire for freedom and self-determination. However, multiple sclerosis often causes walking disorders, which makes it difficult to achieve this. We would like to show you how the fulfilment of the desire for freedom and self-determination can come a step closer for you. Let a rollator support you in everyday life, in your leisure time and in your hobbies. Not only can a walker-rollator help you move more, it can also help you prevent falls.

When gangsters push you to your limits.

Multiple sclerosis is the disease with 1000 faces. It progresses differently in every person and usually has different symptoms. The most common symptom is disturbances in the gait pattern. The gait pattern often deteriorates gradually or the disturbances occur suddenly during chronic attacks of the disease. The result can be a lack of exercise or even a fall.

The deterioration of the gait pattern can be seen in different signs. Perhaps you yourself have noticed signs in yourself.

  • Your equilibrium is making you wobble.
  • You feel weak and lose strength in your legs.
  • You lose your balance and even fall.
  • You have sensory disturbances in your legs, such as numbness or tingling.
  • You have the feeling that your gait is not fluid.
  • They bend over frequently.
  • You have cramps in your legs when you run.
  • You can't lift your feet properly and you trip.
  • Your walking speed slows down.

Many people move very little without the support of an aid. The worry of being stared at by other people, of walking too slowly in a group, or of falling, usually predominates. But the lack of movement can lead to spasticity and malpositioning of the arms and legs. With the support of an assistive device and regular exercise, you can regain your mobility.

How does a rollator support multiple sclerosis?

At the first signs of gait disturbances, you should think about buying a walker. No matter whether you lean on it while walking or use the seat net for a short break: The rollator supports you when you no longer feel secure on your legs. In case of dizziness you always have an additional support at hand. If your legs feel numb, you can support yourself on the rollator and still remain mobile. But most importantly: the rollator gives you back your security while walking.

Depending on the severity of the gait disorders, you may want to consider whether it is worthwhile for you to purchase a rollator wheelchair. Here you have two practical everyday aids: you can use it as a walker while you can still walk yourself. If you feel tired, you fold the rollator into a wheelchair and can easily be pushed by an attendant. With a rollator wheelchair, you have already made provision for the progression of the disease and also for relapses in which your gait suddenly deteriorates.

Carbon Rolltor Multipler Sklerose

Carbon Rollator Hinsetzen

How do you use a rollator?

Maybe you haven't dared to go shopping, to the museum or on holiday for a long time, because you always had to worry that your illness would upset your health. With a rollator you can do all this again. There are various models, depending on your lifestyle. Use our rollator consultant to find a rollator that suits you. Start Rollator Advisor now. And: a walker-rollator does not necessarily have to remind you of seniors and hospital. There are now many designer models.

At home

At home you should feel safe and also protect yourself from falls. Since you may be surprised by dizziness, loss of sensation or weakness at home, the use of a walker-rollator also makes sense inside the home. A living room rollator can support you in many household activities. Whether you want to cook, clean, wash or transport something.

On our Saljol living room rollator Page you can easily do your household chores while sitting down. You can sit on the rollator and move it away from the floor by pushing it slightly. This way you can cook in the kitchen, clean the dishwasher or do the dishes while sitting down. Wash yourself at the sink in the bathroom and use the rollator for the toilet as a supporting aid. Even transporting a laundry basket, plate or glass on the rollator is no longer a problem for you. And that all while you have a secure hold on the rollator, or even sitting on the rollator. In this way, you can protect yourself from falls, dizziness, loss of sensation or weakness in your legs even when you are at home.

Wohnraumrollator Alltagshelfer

Einkaufen gehen Rollz Flex

Go shopping

You will also find room in your walker for a small purchase. So you can also take a spontaneous shopping tour without any problems. You simply load your shopping into your walker. This way you can concentrate on your walk and do not have to balance the weight of the bags. And if you need a short break, you always have a seat with you.

If you like to go shopping, and you need more space for your shopping, a special shopping rollator is also suitable. This brings everything that a normal rollator offers. It also features an extra large pocket, which provides you with plenty of storage space for your shopping.

Walking Exercises

Keeping in motion is the be-all and end-all in multiple sclerosis. That is why it is important that you run and exercise walking regularly. The walker will give you more confidence and security during walking exercises. If you feel dizzy during the exercises or suddenly feel powerless, you can immediately sit on the rollator. If you feel unsteady or you get dizzy quickly, please always have an accompanying person, such as a physiotherapist or occupational therapist or your partner, to help you.

Rollz Motion Rollator Rollstuhl

Excursions and travel

For excursions or travelling by car, you can easily load your rollator into the car, as it is lightweight and can also be folded. When folded, it is so narrow that it can even fit behind your driver or passenger seat. This means that when you get out of the car, you can quickly reach your walking aid and immediately have a secure hold again. If you want to take a little break on the way, you always have your seat on the walker with you. This way you can wait for a moment in which you feel unwell, for example, and then walk again. You walk safely on the walker, even if you lose your balance you can hold on to the walker and sit down. With a rollator wheelchair, you even have the option of converting the rollator into a wheelchair in a few simple steps. In this way you can continue to participate in the trip. In general, a rollator gives you support in many situations and prevents falls.

If you want to travel, the rollator can be easily taken along thanks to its folding. So you always have your companion with you, even on holiday. If you are worried that you could get a relapse of illness during your holiday and your movement could deteriorate, you are on the safe side with a rollator wheelchair. Here you have two aids in one. As long as you can walk, you can use the rollator wheelchair as a rollator. Should your gait deteriorate during your holiday, simply convert the rollator into a wheelchair. You and your accompanying person can then continue to enjoy your holiday without any worries.

Overcoming the inhibition threshold "rollator" at any age

For many, the effort of walking outside with a rollator is high. But slowly but surely the walking frame becomes socially acceptable and the negative stamp disappears. Exactly that is also good. A walker protects you from falls and gives you back your freedom and self-determination. We offer you premium rollators, in chic colours, modern designs and some you can't even tell at first glance that it is a rollator. This is why our walkers appeal to many young people. We want to remove the stigma of the health insurance shopper and motivate young people to enrich their lives with modern and stylish walkers.


A rollator can give you back your freedom. No matter what stage of illness you are in, a walker can support you exactly where it is needed. Whether outdoors or indoors, as a secure support in case of dizziness, as a seat in case of sensory disturbances in the legs, as a shopping aid in case of balance problems, as support during regular walking exercises or as a fall prevention.

Treat yourself to a little more freedom, self-determination and independence, with all the many stones that your illness puts in your path.

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