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Shopping trolley

The shopping trolley with rollator function

Shopping rollator or shopping trolley

The Rollz Flex is the ideal companion for anyone who doesn't need a rollator but would like to be able to support themselves and sit down at any time. The shopping rollator with extra large (25 liter volume) and extra sturdy (20 kg load capacity) bag can be used as a conventional but stylish shopping trolley and can be converted into a fully functional rollator in two easy steps.

Table of Contents

What does a shopping rollator offer?

Lots of storage space for your errands! Shopping with a rollator is safer and easier than with any shopping trolley to pull behind you or a shopping cart. However, most rollators do not offer enough storage space for groceries or your newly acquired treasures.

Rollz Flex - Einkaufsrollator - Viel Stauraum

Everything safely stowed away

A so-called shopping rollator basically has the same features as a classic rollator, but it has one decisive advantage: it has a larger bag and you can add more volume and weight. Ideally, this weight/volume should be up to 20 kg or 25 liters. This corresponds to a week's shopping for a one or two-person household.

This means that even heavy bottles or bulky food packaging can be safely stored in the Rolaltor.

You should consider these points when buying a shopping rollator

If you are surprised by rain when shopping, a water-repellent transport bag is highly recommended. Ideally, this should have a separate inner bag so that your shopping stays dry and you can easily remove the inner bag and store your shopping in a dry place and carry it dry into the kitchen.

The shopping rollator should be sturdily built, it must not tip forward even when fully loaded and you must be able to push or pull it easily over obstacles.

Shopping rollators are also ideal for transporting other heavy items, such as an oxygen device for people with COPD or cystic fibrosis.

Rollz Flex - Einkaufsrollator - Besonderheiten

The special features of the Rollz Flex Shopping rollator

An ingenious advantage of the Rollz shopping rollator is that you can lock the push bar in different positions, similar to a modern baby carriage. This makes it easier for you to negotiate kerbs, climb small steps and even get on public transport.

A shopping rollator should always have a comfortable seat and an integrated backrest. With the Rollz Flex, you can take a break at any time and sit down comfortably and safely. Simply use the flexible push bar as a backrest and take a seat on the seat.

On the move with your shopping rollator

It is particularly useful for a shopping rollator if you can fold it crossways like the Rollz Flex. This means you don't have to do without your ideal shopping companion when traveling by car or train.

Weighing just 7.7 kg, it is easy to lift and can be maneuvered with ease. The turning circle is particularly small thanks to the arrangement of the wheels.

Just like a bicycle, you can brake the rollator with the two hand brakes and bring it to a halt. The parking brake allows you to park the shopping aid on the spot and sit down safely or stow something in the bag or take it out.

Rollz Flex - Offen und Zusammengeklappt

Rollz Flex Einkaufsrollator Weiß/Grau - Einkaufen

The modern design of the Rollz Flex

However, a shopping rollator is only really good when it has all the functions and still doesn't look like a normal rollator. The perfect shopping rollator supports you chicly and stylishly in everyday life and in the supermarket. Grandma's Hackenporsche is history - modern design, beautiful colors and smart ideas make the shopping rollator an eye-catcher instead of a stigma. All you really need to do is remove the word rollator and it would be the most modern and practical shopping aid of all time. Safe, back-friendly and multifunctional.

Rollz Flex picture gallery

Who is the Rollz Flex suitable for?

Would you like to do your weekly shopping independently, but find it difficult to carry heavy shopping bags?

We have the ideal shopping companion for you, the Rollz Flex. With the Rollz Flex, you get a shopping trolley with a seat function and a large bag. The bag allows you to bring your weekly shopping for 1-2 people home safely. You can even take a little break in the sun in between, as the shopping trolley has a practical seat net. If the sun isn't shining, you don't even have to let the rain stop you from shopping with our shopping trolley, as we offer an umbrella as a practical accessory and the bag is also water-repellent.

Thanks to the flexible handle, you can push the trolley in front of you or pull it behind you, e.g. to climb stairs. The practical function of being able to push our trolley can prevent back pain from pulling a normal trolley behind you. You no longer have to carry heavy shopping bags, but can push or pull your shopping home easily and safely with the Rollz Flex.

Are you looking for an alternative to a normal rollator that also serves as a companion for the weekly shop?

We offer you our Rollz Flex shopping rollator as a compromise to a normal rollator. The push bar, which is more reminiscent of a modern baby carriage, means that it does not look like a normal rollator.

With its chic, modern design, the shopping rollator is more of a shopping trolley that offers you a place to rest and with which you can easily push your weekly shopping for 1-2 people home without any pain in your back.

The Rollz Flex for people with multiple sclerosis (MS)

The chronic disease multiple sclerosis changes a lot even at a young age, such as a person's identity, emotional well-being, relationships with peers and the associated participation in social life.

With the Rollz Flex, we want to give you a little bit of self-determination and give you back a piece of your social life. With the shopping rollator, you can stroll through the city with your friends and easily push your newly acquired treasures home. Thanks to its modern design and flexible push handle, you will only realize at second glance, or even when it is explained, that this is a rollator that will help you get through everyday life safely and on which you can take a break anytime and anywhere. Many people with MS already have restricted mobility at a young age, but are ashamed to use aids such as rollators because of their young age. In our society, the rollator still has the reputation of only being helpful for old people, but not for young people. However, the Rollz Flex is a very good aid for young people with MS in particular, as it does not look like a rollator. It looks much more like a baby carriage or shopping trolley and nobody will recognize at first glance that it is a safe walking aid.

The Rollz Flex for people with paralysis after an apoplexy (stroke)

An apoplexy causes "sudden" loss of individual areas of the brain as a result of cerebral hemorrhage or vascular occlusion. The damage to certain areas of the brain often results in paresis on one side. Paresis is defined as paralysis, for example of an entire half of the body or an extremity. This can lead to considerable impairments in normal everyday life.

If you have paralysis in one arm, you can easily carry heavy loads with the Rollz Flex, as it can be easily controlled with one hand from the center of the push bar. The Rollz Flex gives you the opportunity to go shopping independently again. You can easily bring home a week's shopping for 1-2 people with just one working hand. You can adjust the handle flexibly and adapt it exactly to your needs. Perhaps you find it easier to pull a walking aid than to push due to paralysis in one hand? Simply set the handle to the highest position and you can easily pull the rollator behind you like a shopping trolley. Pulling also makes it easier to climb stairs. You can easily pull the Rollz Flex up the stairs. This means you no longer have to lug heavy bags into your home. The Rollz Flex takes the weight of your shopping for you on the way from the supermarket to your fridge.

Are you still unsure whether the Rollz Flex really suits you?

You should feel safe and comfortable with a rollator. You can find out whether a rollator suits you and your needs with the help of our rollator advisor. Answer the questions in our advisor free of charge and we will recommend the right rollator for you.

Start the free rollator advisor now!
