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7 tips on how to develop an exercise routine with a rollator


Has the doctor prescribed a rollator for you? That's no reason to bury your head in the sand! Whatever your situation in life: Exercise is good for you in every situation! Even if it's just a few meters at home. The main thing is that you exercise regularly. Because our body works according to a very simple biological law: only those functions that are used regularly are maintained. Even if the body's performance decreases with age, you are not at the mercy of many changes. Quite the opposite! With regular exercise, you can actively promote your own health and enjoyment of life. Build up a routine and regain your stamina.

Let's get started! Below you will find out how to establish an exercise routine with a rollator. Look forward to the rewards, because with a healthy habit you will soon be able to walk further and be more mobile again. This is something you can be really proud of!

1. familiarize yourself with the handling of your rollator

Before you really get going, familiarize yourself with the functions of your rollator. How does it feel to walk? Walk up a kerb with the rollator. Adjust the handles to the correct height. Test the brakes. Activate the gear shift when going downhill. Fold it up. The rollator is now your new accomplice in the mission for more movement. Develop a feel for it. Many medical supply stores offer driving safety training or rollator driving licenses.

2. find an activity that you enjoy

How should I exercise at all? First and foremost, it is important that you exercise at all. Only secondly is it about how. Basically, it's quite simple: every movement counts! You may have walked a lot in the past or taken regular hikes. Which of these activities can you reclaim for yourself? For example, the daily walk or strolling around town? It's a great feeling to accomplish something that you had already given up on. Dig into your memories to find out what activities you used to enjoy - this often awakens the desire to exercise all by itself. Would you like something a little more unusual? Try roller dance!

3. start very small and increase slowly

Take a relaxed approach. Even if it's only a few meters or five to ten minutes around the block every day at the beginning, your body will find it really good. The important thing is that you stay on the ball regularly.

After a few days, you can start to gradually increase your distances. You will soon feel your stamina improving, a little more each day. The first time you complete half an hour is a source of pride and joy. Keep at it!

4. allow yourself plenty of breaks

The practical thing about a rollator is that you always have your seat with you. Use it actively to take regular breaks. Don't overexert yourself. You don't have to prove anything to yourself. If you want to be even more comfortable or need additional stability for your upper body, buy a back belt.

5. diversify your stretches

Make your exercise sessions varied. Change your routes or do a lap the other way round. Spontaneously turn left instead of right. Keep your tours exciting. This makes it much easier to develop a routine and get used to the new daily routine.

6. integrate exercise into everyday life

It doesn't always have to be a deliberately planned exercise session. You can also find physical challenges in everyday life. The more small activities you can fit into your day, the better. Whether it's cleaning or doing the laundry - be inventive! Use shopping in the city for a walk. You can easily store all your errands in the rollator bags.

7. make an appointment

How about arranging to go for a walk in the park with your friend tomorrow? An exploration tour is not only more fun as a couple, but also gets your circulation going. Positive side effect: if you stick to the appointment, you will automatically stick to your exercise routine. Goal achieved!

Use the rollator as an opportunity to lead a happy and fulfilling life despite limited mobility. Accept it as an opportunity to continue enjoying the many benefits of movement, freedom and independence. Establish a new routine with joy and ease. Your body, mind and soul will thank you!

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