What is a tool worth to me?
About the value of Saljol's premium auxiliaries
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...is the question I regularly get asked by our contacts on social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. Very rightly, in my opinion. It's not possible for everyone to spend several hundred euros on a good idea from the Internet at once. Whether a product is worth its pricedepends on many factors and not least on the user's own wishes and needs.
Before I go into this topic further, I would like to introduce myself briefly. My name is Thomas Appel and I have been working in the medical device industry for more than 30 years now. I am a consultant, entrepreneur, but also customer through family experiences and sometimes even user of Saljol products. In 2002 I had a key experience: I received a letter with a photo from Egypt in my former company. A woman was standing happily in front of the pyramids of Giza with her premium rollator from Norway. She thanked us in writing that we had helped her to fulfill her wish to visit this place with this extraordinary tool. The photo has left its mark on me to this day. It told me clearly that with our aids we not only compensate for disabilities or contribute to therapy, but that we can also convey a bit of fun in life.
This idea has carried me since then and finally motivated me to found my own company in 2016, which is dedicated exclusively to the goal of developing and producing fun in life for people with movement restrictions. Because SALJOL means: Fun in life - Joy of Life.
In a backyard warehouse in Fürstenfeldbruck, a small group of enthusiasts started with me to develop products that people with gait insecurities and movement restrictions can enjoy. Yes, they have read correctly, we have become aware that an aid is always used when it is accepted as an object of everyday life, i.e. when it pleases.
Most nursing aids financed by the health insurance fund may not pursue this aspect superficially, since according to the Sozialgesetzbuch, they must exclusively fulfil the following basic conditions:
According to § 33 SGB V para. 1, the right to the supply of aids is regulated as follows:
"Auxiliary means are only financed if they are necessary in individual cases to ensure the success of the treatment, to prevent an imminent disability or to compensate for a disability, and insofar as the auxiliary means are not to be regarded as general objects of daily use or are excluded according to § 34, paragraph 4".
A rollator is only included in the list of reimbursable products by the health insurance company if it meets certain prescribed criteria of the list of aids.
Our benchmark is not the cost efficiency of a health care system, but the person, the user, the user or the caring relatives. The focus is on user-friendliness, customer satisfaction, the acceptance of the products in everyday life, the quality of the materials and, of course, the safety of our products. We recognise necessary functions through the experience and daily observation of our target group in everyday life. We talk to our encouragers, people with physical disabilities, who use our products on a daily basis. Our products are developed in cooperation with institutions such as the German Society for Gerontotechnology, the German Senior Citizens' League, associations for the disabled, medical supply stores, the police, traffic control, local senior citizens' associations and through numerous training days on rollator safety and fall prevention.
Meanwhile 16 colleagues put their heart and soul into the products and ideas of Saljol, full and part time. Strong partners from the automotive supply industry, but also the world's largest producer of rollators, experienced furniture makers and supervised workshops turn our ideas into products with a great love of detail. The Saljol products are manufactured in small series, one could almost say manufactory. Mostly in Europe, even in our beautiful Bavaria.
There's a price to pay for all this. A rollator, which is produced on the assembly line and offered in large quantities, aggressively priced, can only be compared to a Saljol product to a limited extent. Right, both are rollators. But as with other products, the price difference is decided in detail. The choice of materials, the demands on the workmanship and the quality of the purchased parts, such as the wheels and electric motors, make the difference. Saljol processes only quality!
This leads, for example, to an enormously quiet and safe driving experience of the rollator. While a standard rollator likes to rattle and clatter, Saljol's Carbon Rollator glides quietly across the road. The use of high-quality carbon makes the rollator extremely light. This is a great advantage especially for weaker persons or for comfortable transport. The handles of the rollator are made of natural cork. This not only prevents allergies and sweaty hands but also absorbs shocks.
Last but not least, the value of a product always results from the value you give it yourself. What use is a rollator to you? What can you do with a walker-rollator that you could not do without it? Suppose your world has suddenly shrunk to living room, bathroom and bedroom due to a mobility restriction. You can no longer go out of the house without planning complicated routes with enough supports or park benches.
The rollator represents the gate back to a self-determined world for you. You can go outside on the first beautiful days of spring, place your walker in a beautiful spot in the park, sit on it and enjoy how soft the air feels. In summer, you can feel the sun warming your skin and tickling your nose. Smell the leaves in autumn. And in winter, hear the snow crunch as you walk on it. You can look around freely again when you walk instead of always looking down at the ground. You can give your health a real kick.
This is the benefit that the aids (return) you receive and you can evaluate it for yourself personally and individually. Put it in relation to the benefits of other purchases. This way you will quickly notice whether the price of an aid is appropriate for you and what you are prepared to pay for it. Our many years of experience have shown that this has no direct connection with the amount of an income or pension.
Whoever uses a Saljol aid every day will experience the difference. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to prove this with text and videos - therefore we invite you to test our products at Saljol partners in your area, or you can order your desired product from Saljol to your home. With the 30 days money back guarantee you can test everything at home without risk. Let our team advise you directly on the phone or via live chat.
Thank you for taking the time to look at our ideas. Stay critical and send us your comments and ideas - we will take them into consideration if it is somehow feasible. We also invite you to become an encourager for Saljol. You test our products in your everyday life and tell us about all your experiences and adventures. We share these stories with many people who feel the same or similar to you. Because who better to convey new courage to face life than someone who has made his own experiences? We invite everyone who wants to become an encourager to contact us - write to hallo@saljol.de or call us free of charge at 0800 5050269.
Saljol - always on.
Your Thomas Appel and the whole Saljol team