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Carbon rollator

Stylish, comfortable and light as a feather - the carbon rollator impresses with its elegant design, shock-absorbing tires and handles and weighs just 5.6 kg

Lade Warenkorb
Scope of delivery

The Carbon rollator in the Matt Black version is always supplied with a black bag. The black bag with brown flap is included with all other rollator colors.


The Carbon rollator is available in two different seat heights. Click here to find the right size.

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New Carbon Rollator colours

The journey can sometimes be challenging and may require breaks. However, often just a little nudge from the outside is enough to find the motivation to explore mobility aids. Discover how insightful a call to Saljol's customer service can be and see how your daily life could improve!

Read the full story here.


For many people, using a rollator can be a challenge to overcome. It’s reassuring when you find an aid that you’re proud to be seen with and that suits your personal style – like a rollator in Pure Gold. With a luxurious companion, you can once again enjoy trips to the theatre, museums, and cities.

Discover a touch of luxury here.



  • Ultralight
  • Foldable, for easy transportation
  • Safe downhill riding thanks to grinding brake
  • Shock-absorbing tires and cork handles
  • Visibility in the dark thanks to many reflectors
  • Bag included in the scope of delivery

Aid number

Information: The Saljol Carbon rollator is available on prescription! We have had the Saljol Carbon Rollator registered for you in the medical aids register of the GKV central association. This means that the Carbon Rollator can be prescribed and you can apply for a subsidy from your health insurance company.

You will need the following medical aid number to prescribe the Saljol Carbon rollator: Item no.:


There are individual accessories for the rollator, from bells to practical bags. You can find the right accessory for your rollator here. So that everything is perfectly tailored to your needs.

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Encourager Peter Spendler

Peter Spendler was allowed to test our carbon rollator in the summer - back then as a prototype. His irrepressible optimism and his enthusiasm for the Saljol Carbon rollator make him a real encourager for us.

"I often stumble due to a weakness in lifting my feet and am particularly unsteady on sloping paths. The rollator's drag brake is particularly helpful when walking downhill because I can use it to reduce my walking speed and feel much safer. Like a gear shift, I can easily engage and disengage it with my foot. Great!"

- Peter Spendler, encourager from Saljol


Areas of application

Pushing and supporting

Are your handles set at wrist height? Do you pull your elbows slightly backwards when pushing? When pushing and supporting the rollator, it is important to ensure that you position the Carbon Rollator as upright as possible when setting the correct height of the cork handles. If you feel "wobbly" or slightly dizzy, feel free to lean on the push handles. The rollator can bear loads of up to 150 kg and the anti-slip handles provide a firm grip even for anxious rollator users.

Different paths and roads

The Saljol Carbon rollator is approved for everyday use both indoors and outdoors. It runs smoothly with its two-layer rubber coating and is therefore much quieter on asphalt than its relatives. On unpaved country lanes, its soft all-round tires bounce as efficiently as pneumatic tires.

In rain and damp weather, brakes tend to "slip"! The Saljol gearshift works independently of the weather and offers an additional safety brake in wet conditions, for example.

Sit and rest

Grandpa's excuses for not going for long walks are now invalidated. The soft wheels roll over the unloved bumpy road, the cork TPE handle provides a good grip even with wet hands. And if the walker loses muscle strength, simply take a seat on the soft rollator seat. This means that the personal park bench is perfect and always with you.

Please always press both parking brakes on the left and right before sitting down!

Saljol recommends the adjustable and snug back strap for an enhanced sitting experience and greater safety.


A sensibly and safely equipped rollator can provide the necessary independence and walking motivation to manage the weekly shop - often THE place for social contacts.

Older people often have poor eyesight. That's why we have made the inner lining of the removable shopping bag lighter in color.

Driving downhill

Imagine the following situation: You are disabled. You are driving down a sloping ramp with a full shopping bag on your rollator! At the start of the ramp you pull the brake, but have to release it again and again, the rollator pulls you downhill...

The Saljol gearshift defuses the situation! Similar to an engine brake when driving a car downhill and downshifting to the next lower gear, the gearshift on the two rear wheels slows down the carbon rollator. It takes over part of the loaded rollator, so to speak, and thus helps you to go downhill safely.

Riding uphill

The low weight of 5.6 kg and the gear shifting system ensure that the rider is accompanied safely when riding uphill. Like a hill start aid in modern cars, the gearshift prevents the bike from rolling backwards.

Overcoming kerbs and thresholds

To minimize risk and make it easier to negotiate kerbs and thresholds, Saljol has integrated extra-flat tilting aids on the rear wheels that are ergonomically accessible for the feet. The distance the foot has to travel is minimal and therefore safer than with conventional rollators. Incidentally, our customers are delighted with how easily the rollator rises when you "kick" the tipping aid.

Carbon Rollator Bordsteinkante

Public transportation

Walking frames are permitted on public transport. However, under no circumstances may the rollator be used as a seat on the bus. We recommend that you park the Carbon rollator in the bus on the multi-purpose area with the parking brake depressed and look for a seat facing against the direction of travel.

Tip: With a folding size of only 22 cm, the rollator does not take up much space and could also be parked next to you.

The safest way to get off the bus is backwards, with one hand on the bus and the other on the rollator.

Parking and loading

Simply press down the two smooth-running brake handles on the left and right of the handle. The rollator stands securely on the spot.

Saljol recommends folding the carbon fiber rollator to its 22 cm width to take it with you in the car. This means it even fits into the smallest of car trunks.


The small pack size of the Saljol Carbon rollator makes it ideal for traveling. It can be quickly assembled and stowed away again. When traveling by car, please ensure that the rollator is securely lashed down and that no heavy objects are piled on top of the carbon frame.

Tip: Inform the airline about taking it with you. Most airlines will take your rollator free of charge.

In the home

93% of older people live in their own home. It is often cramped in the house or apartment, and the rollator has to be maneuvered in the smallest of spaces. One hand on the rollator, opening the door with the other - it is safer to have a stable and maneuverable indoor rollator such as the Page indoor rollator at your disposal.

Is the Carbon rollator the right rollator for me?

We want you to feel safe and comfortable with your rollator. That's why it's important that the rollator suits you and your lifestyle. If you are not sure whether the Carbon rollator is really the right one for you, please contact our rollator advisor. We will ask you specific questions and recommend the rollator that best suits your lifestyle.

Answer the questions from our rollator advisor now for free!

Guarantee and warranty

In addition to the statutory warranty, Saljol offers a 2-year warranty on production and material defects. You also have the option of extending the Saljol guarantee from 2 years to 4 years.

Where can I find this warranty extension?

You can find the warranty extension and all the important information about it at Simply register with your name and the serial number of the rollator. You will find the serial number on the frame of your rollator.

What is the statutory warranty?

If the purchased item is defective, the statutory warranty provisions apply. If you have purchased the goods from a specialist retailer, please contact your seller immediately; if you have purchased directly from Saljol, please contact Saljol directly.

Recognizable defects must be reported in writing within ten days of delivery, hidden defects within ten days of their discovery. The above deadlines are preclusive deadlines.

Saljol shall be entitled to decide whether any defect shall be remedied by rectification or subsequent delivery ("subsequent performance"). In all other respects, the provisions in Saljol's General Terms and Conditions of Business, available at, shall apply.

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Leicht und schick , aber an Qualität gespart

von , am

ich habe meinen Rollator nun 3 Monate , aber die Ringe am Faltgurt sind so schwach und weich , das diese 1x vom Sanitätsgeschäft "repariert" werden musste , zum anderen musste meine Frau bei unseren Urlaub den Rollator nochmals mit Schlüsselringen "reparieren" damit wir den Rollator weiter benutzen konnten. Nun ist der Faltmechanissmus wieder kaputt ,eine Schraube ist abgefallen, mal sehen ob nun vor Weihnachten das Problem gelöst werden kann - Schade , den eigentlich sind wir zufrieden mit dem Rollatorer ist wunderbar leicht - wir dachten bei diesem Preis wäre Qualität Ehrensache

von Friederike - 10.01.2020

Lieber Friedhelm H., vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung, die wir uns sehr zu Herzen nehmen. Wir führen im Jahr 2020 ein umfassendes Qualitätsupdate des Carbon Rollators durch. Dort wird auch der Faltmechanismus überarbeitet. Sollten Sie nach der derzeitigen Reparatur erneut Probleme haben, wenden Sie sich bitte wieder an Ihr Sanitätshaus. Wir finden dann gemeinsam eine Lösung. Viele Grüße, Ihr Saljol-Team


War diese Bewertung hilfreich?

Ein echter Hingucker!

von , am

Ein schickes Teil, wendig und einfach zu handhaben. Endlich mal was durchdachtes an dem ich jeden Tag meine Freude habe. Der Rollator gibt mir Sicherheit und durch das schöne Design gehe ich gerne damit auf die Straße. Die Leute von Saljol legen sich echt ins Zeug. Die Lieferung erfolgte zügig. Dieser Rollater passt zu mir und der Preis war es mir wert.


War diese Bewertung hilfreich?

Sicher, Wendig, Leicht & Schick

von , am

Dieser Outdoor-Rollator ist ein wahres Schätzchen! Ich hab ihn seit ca 6 Monaten und find ihn klasse! Da werf ich jeden Gehstock ins Eck, denn die größtmögliche Sicherheit gibt mir nur der Rollator. Dieser Carbon-Rollator ist sehr leicht, extrem wendig und sehr leicht zu handhaben. Dadurch für Ausflüge, Reisen, Einkaufstouren, Alltagsstecken sehr gut geeignet. Die Korkgriffe fangen auch die Unebenheiten des jeweiligen Bodenbelags gut ab und somit kann man damit auch gut auf holprigen Wegen gehen. Die Tasche ist sehr geräumig und bietet ausreichend Platz für meinen Krimskram, den man als Frau so dabei hat. Und ein wahres Highlight ist die Optik des Carbon-Rollators! Schaugt richtig schick & flott aus. Mit Anfang 50 möchte ich ja auch optisch no a wengerl schick unterwegs sein. Mein Flitzer ist oftmals ein Hingucker bei meinen Ausflügen.

Zum Preis: Natürlich kostet er mehr, als manch anderes Modell/Fabrikat, doch

ich finde ihn gerechtfertigt. Die Verarbeitung von Carbon, die vielen Details, etca kosten ja nunmal Geld.

Resume: Ich find meinen Carbon-Rollator von @saljol richtig guad und möcht ihn nimmer missen!


War diese Bewertung hilfreich?

Toller Rollator

von , am

Danke Saljol für diesen Tollen Rollator!

Habe ihn mir bestellt und 2 Tage später wurde er auch schon geliefert.

Seit dem ich ihn habe, kann ich endlich wieder selber einkaufen gehen und bin wieder mobil.

Er schaut toll aus und ist federleicht! Zusammenklappen und ins Auto legen ist für mich und meine Frau kein Problem mehr.

Vielen Dank nochmal.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jürgen K.


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