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Export Manager (m/f/d) ROW


Saljol develops premium aids for an easier life. We were recently recognized as a growth champion by Focus Business. Enjoying Life “Spaß am Leben Joy of Life” is not just our name, but the motto that guides us every day.

You are communicative, like to work independently and want your diligence and skills to be paid appropriately? Do you love sharing your knowledge with specialist dealers from the rehabilitation industry and celebrating success with them?

Apply now to Saljol as a driving force in sales for the whole world except Austria and Switzerland. We already run good business in Europe but also Asian/Pacific countries

Saljol stands for fun in life Joy of Life and is a German manufacturer of premium aids based near Munich. We are a rapidly growing company in a rapidly growing market. The increasing number of older people who need our products are the engine of our mutual success.

Your work at Saljol is meaningful and fun

  • You advise our customers on site and digitally about our products and services
  • You lead them to long-term success with a proven concept: advice, training and presence are the keys to this
  • Digital tools make administration easier for you and you can concentrate fully on your customers
  • You love "fun in life" and convey this positive attitude in every moment
  • You are a networker - also an expert in social media like LinkedIn
  • You feel just as at home in the digital world as you are at trade fairs and customer events
  • You count precise preparation and follow-up, reliability and high commitment among your strengths

You deserve recognition and a salary based on success and your commitment

  • High fixed salary
  • Fair and transparent commission system
  • Top IT equipment for on the go and your home office
  • Flexible working time

At Saljol you don't work with standard products and aids, but with better, more comfortable and more individual solutions. You present unique products for seniors and people with restricted mobility. Share our mission and help people back into a self-determined life.

We are not looking for a classic export salesperson - we are looking for personalities who see their field service job as a source of inspiration and who can develop it further with us.

Do you recognize yourself and would you like to get started as a Saljolinger? We look forward to seeing you!

Thomas Appel Mobile 00491714804999 is happy to tell you more about Saljol and our offer. Or send a short CV to

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More Items:

What is an aid worth to you?

What is a rollator worth to me? It is not possible for everyone to spend several hundred euros on an aid from one day to the next. Whether a product is worth its price depends on many factors and not least on the user's own wishes and needs.

The tyres of the Rollator

Unexpected but important: The tyres of the Carbon Rollator. As with the car, they set the course for extraordinary comfort and a safe driving experience. They make the rollator versatile and suitable for everyday use.

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