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Rollz Motion - wheelchair rollator  - detail: travelcover pendant Rollz Motion Orange - wheelchair rollator  - detail: travelcover Rollz Motion - wheelchair rollator  - detail: travelcover Rollz Motion - wheelchair rollator  - detail: travelcover

Transport protection

Protect your rollator when travelling with the robust travel cover. The wheelchair package can be safely stowed under the cover. The wheels remain movable.

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Perfect protection for on the go

When folded, the rollator and wheelchair package are protected in the compact cover. Even when packed, the wheels remain free to move. So you can still roll the rollator forward and steer by opening the zippers on the top. Included is a label that can be easily attached to the transport bag.

Tip: If you are planning to travel by air, it is recommended to attach the transport protection to the rollator once beforehand and then take the measurements of the packed rollator. Inform the airline in advance about taking your rollator with you and give the taken measurements.

This accessory fits the Rollz Motion, Rollz Motion2, Rollz Motion Performance and Rollz Motion Rhythm.

How exactly packing the rollator works, you can see in this video.

Youtube Vorschau HjO6RYZrRfA


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