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SALJOLs Carbon Rollator: Ideal for very large and very small adults

(Fürstenfeldbruck, 19.11.2019) SALJOL's stylish carbon rollator is now also available in a version for smaller adults up to 1.65 m tall. With a handle height of only 76 cm and a seat height of only 54 cm it is one of the smallest Carbon Rollatorents for adults. At the same time the "big brother" with a maximum grip height of 103 cm is the carbon rollator with the highest grip height. Depending on the model, this rollator is therefore suitable for both very small and very large adults as well as for all persons with awith a more "commonplace" height.

The small SALJOL Carbon Rollator CR54 is also smaller, lighter and less bulky than the big one. This makes it easier to navigate, especially for smaller people, and to lift it into the bus, train or the trunk of the car when needed.

Großer und kleiner Carbon Rollator

Design, comfort and safety

In addition, however, it is no different from the large CR62 rollator: both have SALJOL gears for safe downhill riding, many reflectors for more safety in the dark, shock-absorbing all-terrain tyres, pleasant cork handles and an elegant bag. The design is based on the style of the 50s. Curved lines, rounded shapes, spoked wheels and high-quality materials characterize this modern rollator. Thus the company SALJOL speaks especially to an older, design and style-conscious target group. Associations with the dream cars of the 50s are definitely intentional. The SALJOL Carbon Rollator also offers a great deal of comfort and safety and is therefore ideal for anyone who, in addition to purely practical aspects, also attaches importance to a valuable and noble, extremely stylish appearance.

The small Carbon Rollator from SALJOL costs 599 € and is available in specialist shops. Sources of supply and further information:

Thomas Appel (Managing Director)
+49 (0) 171 4804999

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