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Saljol expands its digital offer with an online rollator consultant

Carbon Rollator - Welcher Rollator passt zu mir?

There are countless models of rollators, which one is the right one?

(Maisach, 02.07.2020) Saljol has extended its digital offer by an online rollator consultant. The offer is aimed at users or relatives who have no previous experience with rollators.

When a rollator is needed, it usually has to be very fast. Often users and their relatives are surprised by this event. Usually there is little time left to learn about the different types, advantages and disadvantages and the appropriate model.

For this reason Saljol offers a new service on its website: An online rollator advisor will help users to find the right rollator. With the help of a questionnaire, the user indicates his preferences and receives a rollator recommendation including suitable accessories at the end. "Rollator users cannot be lumped together. Everyone uses their rollator for a different purpose and with a different intensity," says Friederike Appel, Head of Marketing and E-Commerce. "There are also many younger people who want to be supported by a rollator because of illness. Here other criteria, such as a modern design or a large bag, play a much stronger role.

The rollator consultant is aimed at potential users and their relatives. It helps to find a rollator that fits their needs and lifestyle in an uncomplicated way. "We have known for a long time that assistive devices are only really used if the user feels comfortable with their use. That is why we have focused our products on this aspect and developed products that have an attractive and fresh design. The Rollator Advisor is a further offer to help immobile people back into a more mobile life by providing them with the best possible equipment", says Thomas Appel, Managing Director of Saljol.

The Online Rollator Advisor is one of a wide range of digital services: application videos show in which situations aids can be used. On the website, comparisons to standard products can be found again and again. In addition, there are videos for safety briefings on a product and a continuously manned web chat to answer spontaneous questions. "We want to give our customers the most comprehensive online advice possible, similar to what you would get in a medical supply store," explains Friederike Appel.

Thomas Appel (Managing Director)
+49 (0) 171 480 4999

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