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FAQ's about the Rollz Flex:

Table of contents

How many years warranty do I get on the Rollz Flex?

The warranty period is 24 months from the date of purchase. There is no extension of the warranty period for repairs. In addition, Rollz International offers the first owner a 5 year warranty against defects in material and structure of the frame, normal and intended use and regular maintenance. The general warranty period of 24 months covers parts such as handles, brake cables, hinges, adjustable handles, wheels etc. excluding wear and tear and cracks.

Can I fold the Rollz Flex for transport?

The Rollz Flex can be folded lengthwise. This means that the sides of the rollator contract. To do this, fold the handle down, press the release button and pull the handle towards you. Now you can pull the release belt on the seat net upwards with a slight jerk. The rollator can now be easily folded up. The rollator locks itself automatically. This means it cannot jump up by itself.

To unfold the rollator, press the bars under the seat net slightly apart and pull the rollator apart. All you have to do now is push the handle forward until the release button engages again. The ride can now begin.

The folding makes the rollator only 33 cm narrow. This makes it easy to store and transport.

How safe is the Rollz Flex from tipping over when the handle is folded back? (similar to a baby carriage)

In this configuration the Rollz Flex can be easily tilted or pulled over obstacles such as curbs due to the longer lever action. If you want to supportyourself correctly , please only do so when the handle is folded forward.

How much weight can I load the handle with?

The rollator is designed for a maximum user weight of 125 kg. The highest support load can only be achieved in the rollator handle position. Only in this position has it been tested according to the rollator standards. The other possible grip positions are individually adjustable for different uses.

Can I take the bag off?

The bag of the Rollz Flex has a removable inner pocket, which is attached with Velcro tape. The outer pocket is firmly screwed down and can be replaced by your dealer or our customer service if damaged.

How much weight can I load the bag with?

You can load the bag with up to 20 kg, 25 litres of capacity. This makes it one of the strongest rollators in its class.

Can I wash the inside pocket?

You can wash the inside pocket in the washing machine at 30°C.

Is the bag water resistant?

Yes, the outer pocket is coated on the inside and is water-repellent. This means that you can bring your things home dry even in the event of a short, light rain shower.

Does the Rollz Flex have an integrated backrest?

Yes, with the back roll of the Saljol living room rollator it can be upholstered softly and comfortably.

Can I transport the rollator up stairs?

The Rollz Flex is easy to push/pull over stairs with one hand thanks to its continuous bracket. You can even hold on to the banister with the other hand. This works when going up and down the stairs.

Is the Rollz Flex covered by health insurance, or can I apply for a subsidy for it? Hat the rollator an aid number?

Yes, the Rollz Flex has an aid number, This means that the shopping rollator can be charged for with a prescription from your doctor.
