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Club2 Soft Riser Chair Gray - cut out: front view new
Club2 Soft Riser Chair Gray - cut out: front view new Club2 Soft Riser Chair Gray - cut out: lying Club2 Soft Riser Chair Gray - detail: headrest Club2 Soft Riser Chair Gray - detail: armrest Club2 Soft Riser Chair Gray - detail: remote control Club2 Soft Riser Chair Gray - detail: pad Club2 Soft Riser Chair Beige - motivator - sit down Club2 Soft Riser Chair Gray - cut out: front view

Club 2 soft

The softly padded stand-up and sleeping chair, ideal for very thin people and people with sensitive, thin skin.

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  • Gentle and effortless getting up and sitting down
  • Reclining function for an afternoon nap in the armchair
  • Extra soft upholstery, e.g. for very thin people
  • Lumbar support to support the spine
  • Remote control always to hand


You can find the right accessories for your needs here. A wide range of accessories will make your Club2 stand-up chair your favorite piece.

Product details
EUR 39,00
Product details
EUR 129,00

Club2 Soft - The even more comfortable rise-and-sleep chair

Are you looking for a recliner with a stand-up function in which you can also sleep softly and comfortably? Do you want the chair to make sitting down and getting up easier and safer - to lift you up or gently put you down again? All electric and at the touch of a button with intuitive controls that are always within easy reach? Ergonomics experts in Germany combine high-quality motors, electronics, cover fabrics and upholstery foams to create your dream armchair.

The Club2 Soft is an armchair with stand-up and sleep function that reduces the risk of falling. The stand-up chair combines comfortable, soft reclining, ergonomic sitting, simple operation and fall prevention.

Youtube Vorschau bV3XwQzNbUU

The reasons why the Club2 Soft around the clock is the ideal functional chair for seniors with sensitive, thin skin:

Soft upholstered senior armchair with stand-up and sleep function

The Club2 Soft is a particularly soft upholstered recliner with stand-up function. The soft upholstery is perfect for people with sensitive, thin skin who have lost a lot of weight and whose bones are already visible under their thin skin. With the Club2 Soft, you have exactly the right recliner and stand-up chair, as it offers a particularly soft support surface . This keeps the pressure on the thin skin as low as possible.

You can also flatten the chair horizontally. This makes it ideal for an afternoon nap or even as a bed for visitors. You can control the footrest and backrest separately to set your optimum sitting and reclining position. The armchair also supports you when getting up and sitting down. You no longer have to let yourself fall into the chair or pull up on furniture with a lot of effort. You are raised and lowered safely and gently in the chair.

Club2 Soft Noch bequemer Schlafen

The operating options

The remote control has seven buttons. The functions are pre-programmed for easy operation. This allows you to move safely to any desired position:


Remote control

  • Standing up and sitting down - The chair lifts you safely into a standing position or lowers you gently into a sitting position. This means that you will never again plop into the chair or have to painfully swing yourself out of the chair using the cradle technique.
  • Sitting / starting position - Your feet and back are at approximately a 90° angle, as if you were sitting on a chair. You can adjust the seat width with soft cushions. The cushions are available in matching colors to your armchair.
  • TV or reading position - you can adjust this individually. A tip from the seating expert: Change the angle setting more often, this relieves pressure and makes sitting healthier.
  • Headrest adjustment - You can achieve a better TV or reading position by manually adjusting the angle of the headrest. Simply push or pull the headrest firmly forwards or backwards and you will be sitting more comfortably.
  • Sleeping - Feet up and the backrest is lowered up to 100% horizontally. This position is pre-programmed and can be selected with just one control button. Recline as if you were on an airplane or in bed, comfortable for an afternoon nap or as a visitor's bed.

Picture gallery Club2 Soft


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