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Innovation from Germany

Wir entwickeln in Deutschland!

SALJOL entwickelt alle Produkte in Deutschland nur für Sie.

Dadurch erfüllen wir höchste Ansprüche auf Qualität und Sicherheit.

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30 days trial in Germany


Profitieren Sie von unserer 30-Tagen-Geld-Zurück-Garantie:

Einfach bestellen, 30 Tage kostenlos testen und bei Nichtgefallen einfach zurückschicken.

Saljol verspricht Ihnen eine unkomplizierte Rückabwicklung.

Mehr über das Widerrufsrecht erfahren

Secure payment

Standard- und Express-Checkout

Saljol arbeitet mit den sichersten Zahlungsmethoden und Partnern.

In Zusammenarbeit mit Paypal, können Sie unseren Express-Checkout nutzen - ohne Anmeldung, ohne Extrakosten.


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Registration for the Saljol-Event

Dear interested party,

we are pleased that you would like to participate in an event of Saljol.

Simply enter the event pin in the following field and click on Open Event. The event will be loaded and you can register there. You will then receive a personal invitation by e-mail including a calendar entry, as well as further documents afterwards.

We look forward to welcoming you personally soon.

Your team from Saljol

Frequently asked questions

Where is the event pin?

The PIN can be found on the flyer, invitation or poster for the event. If you cannot find a pin, please contact our customer service or your initiator.

What does registration or participation cost?

Registration is free of charge. Participation is usually also free. If there are costs somewhere, they will be displayed separately at the event.

How can I cancel?

If you cannot attend an event after all, please contact our customer service or your initiator up to 24 hours in advance.
